(Concluded from TVia No. 70)
Jeri 49-K-3 FPE
The next morning brought back the problem however. I was to have met Beth at her apartment, but I decided to call her to let her know I couldn't come. I was surprised and not a little pleased when she invited me to spend the remaining three days at her place. She hung up after promising to come right over and help me move.
I finished the small amount of packing and waited. At length she came, expressing surprise and even a little displeasure in seeing me in my masculine clothing. After less than a minute's argument, I was per- suaded to change to skirts for "Otherwise there's likely to be trouble at my place," she assured me.
It was as good as done in less than a half-hour, I was standing on the sidewalk outside with my suitcases and boxes with the wind teasing the long strands of the wig while my former landlady glared out through a half-parted curtain.
The rest of the day was as full as could be imagined. After leaving my things at Beth's apartment (a charming little place with all manner of ruffles and fragile things around), she suggested I change from heels to flats loaning me a pair as I had not bought any the day before — and
we set off.